Sep 14, 2012 - Quick Cuban-style White Rice recipe: In Cuba, rice is commonly flavored with onion, garlic, lime and other spices. Then cook for 3 - 4 minutes over low heat. var dpsp_pin_button_data = {"pin_description_source":"image_alt_tag","pinterest_pinnable_images":"post_images","pinterest_button_share_behavior":"post_image","post_pinterest_image_hidden":"yes","lazy_load_compatibility":"yes","button_position":"top_left","button_shape":"rectangular","minimum_image_width":"200","minimum_image_height":"200","show_button_text_label":"yes","button_text_label":"Save","button_share_behavior":"hover_image","pinterest_description":"A simple white rice recipe made on the stovetop or in the rice cooker with a homemade garlic-infused oil. .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch p, .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch li { } } Arroz Cubano, also known as Arroz a la Cubana, is a classic dish of rice and fried egg that is eaten in many Spanish-speaking countries. .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch h2, If you are short on stovetop space, Lourdes Castro recommends finishing the rice in the oven. The garlic and olive oil in this recipe makes the rice so tasty, my children prefer to eat it first before tasting anything else on their plates. May 13, 2013 - Cuban rice is made rich by cooking rice with water in garlicky olive oil. font-size: 1em !important; Serve and enjoy! border-radius: 1px; /*wprm_border_radius type=size*/ .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch .wprm-recipe-image { margin-left: -100px; .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch h1, Looking to amp up your beef stew but unsure where to start? Add the smashed garlic to the oil and cook for about 2 minutes until fragrant. font-size: 1.8em; /*wprm_h2_size type=font_size*/ color: #000000; /*wprm_header_text type=color*/ font-family: inherit; /*wprm_main_font_family type=font*/ if(typeof mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByClassName!=='function'){continue} If you are short on stovetop space, Lourdes Castro recommends finishing the rice in the oven. } Congri- is Red Beans and Rice … © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. } .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch h5 { ), Cilantro Garlic Sauce (Pollo Tropical Inspired). } Bring a medium pot of lightly salted water to a boil. background-color: #f6f6f6; /*wprm_top_header_background type=color*/ }window.lazyLoadOptions={elements_selector:"img[data-lazy-src],.rocket-lazyload",data_src:"lazy-src",data_srcset:"lazy-srcset",data_sizes:"lazy-sizes",class_loading:"lazyloading",class_loaded:"lazyloaded",threshold:300,callback_loaded:function(element){if(element.tagName==="IFRAME"&&element.dataset.rocketLazyload=="fitvidscompatible"){if(element.classList.contains("lazyloaded")){if(typeof window.jQuery!="undefined"){if(jQuery.fn.fitVids){jQuery(element).parent().fitVids()}}}}}};window.addEventListener('LazyLoad::Initialized',function(e){var lazyLoadInstance=e.detail.instance;if(window.MutationObserver){var observer=new MutationObserver(function(mutations){var image_count=0;var iframe_count=0;var rocketlazy_count=0;mutations.forEach(function(mutation){for(i=0;i0||iframe_count>0||rocketlazy_count>0){lazyLoadInstance.update()}});var b=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];var config={childList:!0,subtree:!0};observer.observe(b,config)}},!1)"use strict";var wprRemoveCPCSS=function wprRemoveCPCSS(){var elem;document.querySelector('link[data-rocket-async="style"][rel="preload"]')?setTimeout(wprRemoveCPCSS,200):(elem=document.getElementById("rocket-critical-css"))&&"remove"in elem&&elem.remove()};window.addEventListener?window.addEventListener("load",wprRemoveCPCSS):window.attachEvent&&window.attachEvent("onload",wprRemoveCPCSS); * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. line-height: 1.4em; /*wprm_header_line_height type=font_size*/ /* ]]> */ Transfer the oil to a small bowl and set aside. All you need is a saucepan, rice, garlic, water, salt, and oil. Stir in the rice and return to a boil. font-size: 1em; /*wprm_h5_size type=font_size*/ background-color: #f6f6f6; /*wprm_background type=color*/ We steam it with a bit of salt and some olive oil. .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch a { Let stand for 5 minutes, fluff with a fork and serve. font-family: inherit; /*wprm_main_font_family type=font*/ position: relative; All Rights Reserved. Into a large saucepan, add the garlic infused oil (or oil and garlic powder), water, and salt. color: #000000; /*wprm_header_text type=color*/ Reduce water to 2 1/4 cups and stick everything in the rice cooker for an even easier side dish! Privacy ↑131shares Number of Servings: 4 border-style: solid; /*wprm_border_style type=border*/ .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch ol, .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch ul { Remove fat from skillet. font-size: 1em; /*wprm_main_font_size type=font_size*/ Also we like our rice to shine haha and have a hint of flavor. Food and Wine presents a new network of food pros delivering the most cookable recipes and delicious ideas online. max-width: 2000px; /*wprm_max_width type=size*/ Cuban rice is made rich by cooking rice with water in garlicky olive oil. .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch h3, Food & Wine is part of the Meredith Corporation Allrecipes Food Group. } #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a, #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a:hover, #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a:focus { background-color: #ffffff !important; border-radius: 60px; color: #000000 !important; border: 0px #ffffff solid !important; font-size: 15px; padding: 8px; } #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a:hover, #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a:focus { background-color: #ffffff !important; border-color: #ffffff !important; color: #000000 !important; } #simple-social-icons-2 ul li a:focus { outline: 1px dotted #ffffff !important; } #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a, #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a:hover, #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a:focus { background-color: #ffffff !important; border-radius: 60px; color: #000000 !important; border: 1px #000000 solid !important; font-size: 15px; padding: 8px; } #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a:hover, #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a:focus { background-color: #000000 !important; border-color: #000000 !important; color: #ffffff !important; } #simple-social-icons-1 ul li a:focus { outline: 1px dotted #000000 !important; } margin-bottom: 0px; /*wprm_margin_bottom type=size*/ margin: 0 !important; } border-radius: 7px; /*wprm_inner_border_radius type=size*/ Place garlic clove on a cutting board and sprinkle with table salt. margin: 12px 0; DO NOT REMOVE THE LID. padding: 0 !important; } images=mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByTagName('img');is_image=mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName=="IMG";iframes=mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByTagName('iframe');is_iframe=mutation.addedNodes[i].tagName=="IFRAME";rocket_lazy=mutation.addedNodes[i].getElementsByClassName('rocket-lazyload');image_count+=images.length;iframe_count+=iframes.length;rocketlazy_count+=rocket_lazy.length;if(is_image){image_count+=1} Cover, reduce heat to simmer and cook for 40 minutes. .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch br { Remove the saucepan from the heat. Picadillo is a traditional Cuban dish made with ground beef that's typically eaten over white rice. font-size: 1.4em; /*wprm_h4_size type=font_size*/ Step 4 Cover the skillet, reduce heat to low, and cook until the mixture is … font-family: inherit; /*wprm_font_family type=font*/ Discard the garlic. [CDATA[ */ line-height: 1.4em; /*wprm_header_line_height type=font_size*/ .wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch .wprm-recipe-name { .wprm-recipe.wprm-recipe-template-sassy-bitch { color: #333333; /*wprm_main_text type=color*/ Rate this Cuban White Rice recipe with 1 cup rice, 1 1/2 cup water, juice of 1 lime, 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp vegetable oil border: 0; Add the smashed garlic and cook for about 2 minutes until fragrant. Some dishes require other ingredients, like arroz con pollo or rice with chicken. margin-top: 0px; /*wprm_margin_top type=size*/ And then the always ask for seconds. } Rating: 3.5 stars 326 … Bring the rice to a boil, place the covered pot in a 350° oven and cook for 30 minutes. Plantains are another Cuban staple. width: 100%; Spoken like a true Cuban girl. How to prepare homemade Cuban rice 1 Start by cooking the rice. /*