Carlo | wrote a letter to his uncle. For Example: Leena loves to play the piano. Finally, just as a sentence can have two or more subjects, it can also have a compound predicate. One more important point to keep in mind is that the subject and predicate must “agree” in number: The man holding the boxes is next in line. In inverted sentences, they always come after the verb. The simple subject is still 'Archaeologists' while the simple predicate is the verb phrase 'must use'. Note: (i) Subject may be just one or more than one word. The subject is “shirt” and all its modifiers (the light blue shirt with the colorful pattern), but the simple subject is simply “shirt.”. How can knowing about Subject and Predicate help you become a better writer? OR Of course, the subject always comes before the verb in most sentences. The veterinarian examined all the tigers. The subject is that part of the sentence about which or whom something is said. The predicate of a sentence is based on the simple predicate, which is the verb. The house is white. Both examples have action, and both are telling something about the nouns, but neither one is an actual sentence because neither one has Subject and Predicate. The subject of a sentence includes the noun or pronoun along with all the words that modify, or describe it. The only noun present is “chair” but certainly the chair is not about to “go sit!”, In this sentence the speaker is giving a direct command to another person, and might have said, “You go sit down in that chair.” The rule to remember for a sentence that is a command is that if the subject is not named, we can assume that subject is “you.”. 2. It has a verb in it. Take a look at the following examples and see if you can find the subjects and predicates. My mother: bought me a dress. The subject is about who or what the exact sentence and it tells the subject that it is a predicate. To summarize, for a sentence to show a complete thought, it must always have a subject and a predicate. A predicate may also include additional modifiers with the verb that tell what the subject does. 6. In imperative sentences the subject is altogether missed out of the sentence. It has both a subject ("you", understood, is the subject, as the sentence is in the imperative voice) and a verb ("go"). Way to go, amigo! For example; The cat ran. In general, the complete predicate—like the complete subject—would often consist of more than one word. Subjects and predicates worksheets. Together with the subject, these two basic parts express a complete thought. e.g. The predicate is the part of the sentence containing a verb and not including the subject. Here is an example of a sentence that seems to have no subject: We see the verb is “go sit,” but who is doing that action? SUBJECT and PREDICATE EXAMPLES: 1: the girl in the prom wore a white satin gown. Again, just like simple subjects, simple predicates cannot be left out of the complete predicate. To determine the subject of a sentence, first find the verb and then ask “who?” or “what?” In this sentence, the verb is “ran.” If we ask, “who ran?” the answer is, “the dog ran.” This is how we know that “dog” is the subject of the sentence. In grammar the person or thing we speak about is called the subject. FALSE! The predicate is what we speak about the subject. The next part of English sentences is the predicate. Take a look at the following examples showing complete subjects. Next, are simple subjects. The subject denotes the person or thing we are talking about. After all, verbs indicate what the subject is doing or being. Because the sentence says something about that cat and tells that the cat is running. She is laughing. The following are examples of simple predicates. Hint: Sometimes a word or phrase will come between the simple subject and simple predicate. Examples to find the subject and predicate of a sentence: (i) Nikhil is a good boy. Check your level of comprehension by answering the short test. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Subject/predicate identification exercise for ESL students. Predicate: Effectively, every sentence can be broken down into two parts: a subject and a predicate. You definitely took this article by the horn and crushed it! For example, a complete sentence could be, "Go!" The girl is a subject and dances well is the predicate. Are you sure you really understood the article? It says that the dog ran. (“She” is the Subject and “plays” is the Predicate) She and her friend play every day in the garden. Essentially, they cannot be left out of the complete subject. In English sentences, the subject is either a noun, pronoun, or group of words acting as a noun. 3. The sun (subject) / was shining brightly (predicate). Verbs are words that describe an action. When two or more subjects have the same verb, they are called compound subjects. Main English is an online English language platform for students who want to learn English as a Secondary Language or ESL. Main English is an online English language platform for students. In general, the complete subject often consists of more than one word. The pretty girl (subject) / was wearing a blue frock (predicate).