Prefix dis- Meaning: Opposite of, not. hyperactive - very restless; hypercritical - too critical; hypertension - above normal pressure. conserve - to save or keep something safe; preserve - to save something; reservation - a place kept for a person. podiatrist - a doctor for the feet; podium - a small platform to stand on; tripod - a stand or frame with 3 legs. reside- be stationed; sediment- the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; session- an actual or constructive sitting of a body. object - to be against something; obscure - hard to understand; opposition - the act of resistance or action against. The word itself is not an prefix However, it does have a prefix The prefix is -less. It cannot be added to bases of other lexical categories. dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; peptic - aiding digestion; pepsin - a digestive enzyme. Copyright © 2005 and after - LearnThat Foundation. florist - someone working with flowers; floral - flowerlike; flora - the plant life of a particular time or area. geography - study of the earth's surface; geology - study of the structure of the earth; geoponics - soil based agriculture. applaud- to show approval of especially by clapping the hands; explosion- an act of exposing something as invalid or baseless; plausible- worthy of being applauded. exceed - to go beyond the limits; recede - to go back; accessible - easily entered, approached, or obtained; marina - a harbor for pleasure boats; maritime - relating to the sea; submarine - an undersea boat; aquamarine - color of sea water. esophagus - muscular tube that carries food to the stomach; anthropophagy or sarcophagy - cannibalism; xylophagous - feeding on wood. With our prefixes worksheets, perfect for second to fifth graders, your students will learn the most common prefixes and how they can be used to create new words. multicolored - having many colors; multimedia - using a range of media; multitasking - doing many things at once. sum - the combined total of everything; summation - the total, highest amount; summit the highest point or top. // ]]> LearnThatWord and the Open Dictionary of English are programs by LearnThat Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. dissatisfied — not satisfied. Sometimes there's also an Anglo-Saxon prefix. ultrahigh - extremely high; ultramodern - more modern than anything else; ultrasonic - sound waves beyond human hearing. insomnia - inability to fall asleep; somniloquy - talking in your sleep; somnolent - feeling sleepy. A prefix is a letter or a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word (or word root) that partly indicates its meaning. neuralgia - pain along a nerve; neurologist - doctor specializing in the nerves; neurotic - mental disorder that usually does not include an impaired perception of reality. psyche - the human spirit or soul; psychic - relating to the human mind or someone who has supernatural mental abilities; psychology - the study of the mind. narrate - to tell a story; narrative - a story; narrator - a person who tells a story. biosphere - the whole round surface of the earth; hemisphere - half the earth spherically shaped like a ball. panacea - a cure for all diseases or problems; panorama - an all-around view; pantheism - the worship of all gods; pandemic - affecting all. kinetics - study of the force of motion; psychokinesis or telekinesis - the ability to move objects with your mind; cinematography - motion picture making. conjunction - a word that joins parts of sentences; disjunction - a disconnection; junction - a place where two things join. contact - a state in which two things touch; tactile - relating to the sense of touch; tangible - able to be touched; intact - with nothing missing. ; herbivorous - plant-eating; herbal - relating to plants. syntax - the systematic arrangement of words; taxonomy - the science of classification; ataxia - loss of the ability to coordinate muscle action. [4] Similarly, pairs such as defend/defense and double (or duple)/duplicity are not considered morphologically related in Marchand's treatment of English word formation and are thus excluded too, though they are regarded as derivatives of the shared roots in Jespersen's and Koizul's, while in others, they may be seen as allomorphs or variants (like deep/depth, a pair formed of Germanic components). misbehave - to behave badly; misprint - an error in printing; misnomer - an error in naming a person or thing. In addition there is a list of Words that end with do, words that contain do, and Synonyms of do. dislocate - to put something out of its usual place; location - a place; relocate - to move to a new place. confide - place trust in someone, fidelity - faithfulness; fiduciary - a trustee; deflect - to bend course because of hitting something; inflection - a bending in the voice's tone or pitch; flexible - easily bending. The following table lists common prefixes and their meanings and lists example words to help you understand what these prefixes do to words. durable - having the quality of lasting; duration - the length of time something lasts; enduring - able to last. prefix definition: 1. a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to make a new word: 2. a dialling…. Thus, the word do, consisting of a single morpheme, is a verb as is the word redo, which … osteoarthritis - inflammation caused by degeneration of the joints; osteopathy - therapy that uses among others manipulation of the skeleton to restore health; osteology - the study of bones. ad, a, ac, af, ag, an, ar, at, as. purge - remove anything undesirable; purgatory - according to Roman Catholics a place where souls must clean themselves of sin; expurgate - remove objectionable passages from a publication. optic - relating to the eyes; optician - a person who fits eyeglasses; autopsy - the examination of a dead body. Un is a prefix meaning not.It's used to give opposite and negative meanings to adjectives, adverbs and nouns. Examples of these follow: English words may consist of multiple prefixes: anti-pseudo-classicism (containing both an anti- prefix and a pseudo- prefix). circumvent - to go around or bypass restrictions; convention - a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest; intervene - to come between. attract - to pull objects nearer; distract - to drag attention away from something; tractor - a motor vehicle that pulls things. semiannual - every half year; semicircle - half a circle; semiconscious - partly conscious; semiannual - every half of a year. ascend - to climb upward; crescendo - a climbing up of the volume of music; descend - to go or climb down. arteriosclerosis - hardening of the arterial walls; multiple sclerosis - disease which causes the tissue of the brain and spinal cord to harden; sclerometer - instrument for measuring hardness. Meaning: To not be able to do something. leukemia - abnormal increase of white blood cells in the blood; leukocyte - a mature white blood cell; leucine - a white, crystalline amino acid. octagon - a figure with 8 sides and 8 angles; octogenarian - person in his or her 80s; octopus - sea animal with 8 arms. ; progress - movement forward or onward; gradual - step by step. Example: Adapt , Adhere , Annex, Attract. hygrometer - tool used to measure humidity; hygrograph - instrument for recording variations in atmospheric humidity. For example, the word prefix itself begins with the prefix pre- , which generally means "before" or "in front of." nondescript - with no special characteristics; nonfiction - true, real, not made-up; nonsense - without sense. digression - a departure from the main issue, subject, etc. 1. excavate - to dig out; exhale - to breathe out; extract - to pull out. a- typically creates adjectives from noun and verb bases: blaze (noun/verb) > ablaze (adj). Prefixes are added to the beginning of an existing word in order to create a new word with a different meaning. constellation - a group of stars that forms a pattern; interstellar - between the stars; stellar - relating to stars. pedal - a lever pushed by the foot; pedestrian - one who walks; pedicure - cosmetic treatment of feet and toes. permanent - lasting throughout all time; permeate - to spread throughout; persist - to continue for a long time; perennial - lasting through many years. apatite - a group of common minerals; granite - a hard, granular rock; monolith - a remarkable, unique stone. parasite - an organism that lives on and off another living being; parallel - alongside and always an equal distance apart; paragraph - a portion of a writtenn document that presents a distinct idea. deposit - to place or drop something; expose to place out into the open for all to see; position - the place where someone is. thermal - relating to heat; thermos - an insulated jar that keeps heat in; thermostat - a device that controls heat. orthodontist - a dentist that straightens teeth; orthopedic - a doctor concerned with the proper alignment of the bones; orthography - the correct way of writing. xenophobic - afraid of foreigners; xenogenesis - the creation of offspring that is completely different from either parent; xenophile - attracted to foreigners. conduct - to lead musicians in playing music; educate - to lead to knowledge; deduction - a subtraction of an amount. gastric - pertaining to the stomach; gastronomy - serving the stomach by providing good food; gastritis - inflammation of the stomach. Native vs. non-native (neo-classical) prefixing, Occasionally, these selectional restrictions are violated for stylist effect, as in the coinage of the word, Marchand's (1969:5-6) argumentation: "Bearing in mind the bi-morphemic, i.e. "Prefixes are an important component of many words in the English language. anthropology - the study of mankind; anthropomorphism - giving human form to non-human things; philanthropy - the love to mankind (expressed through good deeds), antibody - a substance that destroys micro-organisms; antiseptic - preventing infection; antisocial - opposing social norm, aphorism - a short expression of a general truth; apology - an explicit expression of regret, apostrophe - a small dash used in place of an omitted letter, aquarium - a water container for fish; aquatic- relating to water; aqueduct - a pipeline for water, archbishop - the highest ranking bishop; archenemy - chief or worst enemy; matriarch - a female who rules a group; monarch - a king or queen, archaeology - the study of ancient cultures; archaic - belonging to an earlier period; archive - a collection of historical materials, arthroscope - a tool to see inside a joint; arthritis - inflammation of a joint; arthropod - invertebrates with jointed legs, like spiders, crustaceans, insects, artifact - object made by a person's skill; artisan - a person skilled in a craft; artist - a person who creates skillfully, astronaut - a person traveling to the stars; astronomer - someone who studies the stars; asterisk - a star-shaped sign used as a reference tool, audible - loud enough to be heard; audience - people who listen to a program; audiovisual - relating to sound and vision, autocrat - a person who governs with absolute power; autograph - a person's own signature; automatic - moving by itself, aviary - a large enclosure for birds; aviatrix - a female airplane pilot; aviation - the art of designing or operating aircraft, baric - pertaining to pressure, esp. myocardium - the middle muscle of the heart; myasthenia - muscle fatigue or weakness; myosin - common protein in muscle tissue. photogenic - caused by light; photograph - image made on light-sensitive film; photon - the smallest possible unit of light. maximal - the best or greatest possible; maximize - to make as great as possible; maximum - the greatest amount. heterogeneous - made up of unrelated parts; heteronyms - words with same spelling but different meanings; heterodox - not conforming to traditional beliefs. immobilize - to stop from moving; mobile - able to move freely; mobility - the quality of being able to move. It is possible to detect varying degrees of foreignness.[2]. prelude - introduction to the major performance; illusion - misleading optical image or impression; delude - to mislead, deceive. 10 Examples of Prefixes, prefixes in english, english prefixes list, definitions and example sentences; Sub- Definition: under Example Sentence: He has never seen a blue submarine in the my life. pugnacious - having a quarrelsome or aggressive nature; repugnant - distasteful, offensive or revolting; pungent - piercing. announce - to declare in public; denounce - to proclaim harsh criticism; enunciate - to speak or declare something clearly. In some analytic frameworks, such neo-classical prefixes are excluded from analyses of English derivation on the grounds that they are not analyzable according to a mostly synchronic (that is, relatively productive or easily recognizable and relating to present-day idioms) English (that is, "native") basis. Remember that some prefixes can share a meaning, such as -il, -in, -im and -ir, and that you do not generally hyphenate a prefix unless it’s attached to a proper noun.Once you have mastered these prefixes, it's much easier to figure out the meaning of new words … kilobyte - 1,000 bytes; kilometer - 1,000 meter; kilograms - 1,000 grams. Post- Definition: postgraduate Example Sentence: I will do my postgraduate work at London University. convince - to win someone over; invincible - not able to be conquered; victory - the conquest of an enemy. compulsion - a very strong urge; expulsion - to someone out; impulsive - having a spontaneous urge to do something. tetrapod - having 4 legs; tetrarchy - government by 4 rulers; tetrose - a monosaccharide with four carbon atoms. notable - marked as worthy of attention; notarize - to certify a signature on a legal document; annotate - to add remarks. diarrhea - abnormally excessive bowl movement; hemorrhage - heavy blood flow; catarrh - inflammation of a mucous membrane, especially the nose and throat. prototype - the first of a kind; proton - on of the very basic parts of an atom; protocol - a first draft from which a document is prepared. image - a likeness of someone; imaginative - able to think up new ideas or images; imagine - to form a picture or likeness in the mind. In, This page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 22:21. ; A con voc ation is a gathering where people come together to discuss something important. confer - to bring an honor to someone; ferry - a boat that carries passengers; transfer - to move to another place. triangle - a figure with 3 sides and 3 angles; triathlon - an athletic contest with 3 events; tricycle - a 3-wheeI vehicle with pedals. chlorophyll - a group of green pigments found in leaves; phyllotaxis - the arrangement of leaves on a stem; phyllite - a rock that forms sheets, similar to slate. regent - a person who rules on behalf of a king or queen; regime - a government that rules; regulate - to apply a rule. Several English words are analyzed as a combination of a dependent affix and an independent base, such as those found in words like boy-hood or un-just. posthumous - after someone's death; postpone - to delay something; postscript - an addition to an already completed document. In particular, using verbs describing an irreversible action produces words often considered nonsense, e.g. prognosis - a prediction of what will happen; prologue - a passage before the main part; prophet - a person who foretells the future. It can be applied to many different types of words, most notably nouns and adjectives. microbe - a very small living thing; microchip - a tiny wafer with an integrated circuit; microscope - a device to see very small things. rebound -to spring back again; rewind - to wind something backward; reaction: a response; recognize: to identify someone or something seen before. bibliomania - a crazy love of books; egomania - a mad love of oneself; maniac an insane person. from English … contradict - to express the opposite of; prediction - a statement foretelling the future; dictate - to speak out loud for another person to write down. binoculars - lens device for seeing distances; monocula - relating to one eye; oculist - an eye doctor. innate - included since birth; natal - relating to birth; natural - gotten at birth, not afterward. The relatively unproductive be- creates transitive verbs from noun bases: witch (noun) > bewitch (verb). chrysanthemum and amaranth - names of flowers; anthology - a collection of treasured writings; anthozoan - half plant, half animal, like anemones and corals. September - this used to be the seventh month in the Roman calendar; septet - a group of seven musicians; septuagenarian - a person in his/her seventies. (Click here to go straight to the prefix list and save the explanations for later and herefor links to more prefix examples and practice.) genealogy - the study of the history of a family; generation - all the people born at approximately the same time; genetic -relating to heredity encoded in the genes. Graphology - the study of handwritings; autograph - written with one's own hand; seismograph - a machine noting strength and duration of earthquakes. Mesoamerica - Middle America; meson - elementary particle with a mass between an electron and a proton. In English, all prefixes are derivational. opponent - a person who places him/herself against an action, idea, etc. epiphyte - a plant growing independently on the surface of another; hydrophyte - a plant that grows only in water; neophyte - a beginner, especially a person recently converted to a new belief. // < ! illuminate - to give light to; innovation - a new idea, method, or device; inspection - the act of examining or reviewing. evacuate - to empty a dangerous place; vacant - empty, not occupied; vacation - a time without work. intrastate - existing in one state; intravenous - inside or into a vein; introvert - shy person who keeps within him/herself. Vocabulary can be acquired and somewhat mastered knowing about the meanings of word stems, word prefixes and word suffixes. antipathy - a feeling of great dislike; apathy - a lack of feeling or interest; empathy - ability to understand another's feelings. ergonomics - study of the working environment; energy - the power to accomplish work; energetics - science that looks at energy and its transformation. There are often several prefixes with the same meaning. A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. prefix: [noun] an affix attached to the beginning of a word, base, or phrase and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form — compare suffix. forsaken or forfeited - completely lost; forgiven - completely given (a release of debt). diabetes - disease characterized by excessive thirst and discharge of urine; diagnosis - understanding a condition by going through a detailed review of symptoms; dialog - conversation between two people. bicentennial - of or relating to an age or period of 200 years; centennial - of or relating to an age or period of 100 years; perennial -lasting through many years. However, there are a few prefixes in English that are class-changing in that the word resulting after prefixation belongs to a lexical category that is different from the lexical category of the base. deride - to make fun of someone; ridicule - to make fun or mock; ridiculous - silly, causing laughter. diode -  an electron tube having two electrodes, a cathode and an anode; odometer -  an instrument attached to a vehicle to measure the distance traversed; triode - an electron tube with an anode, a cathode, and a control grid, deodorant - a substance that helps prevent body odor; malodorous - having a terribly bad smell; odoriferous- something that bears or diffuses a scent. equidistant - an equal distance from two points; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper; equation - a statement of equality. The prefix and the suffix can take on different meanings depending on the root word it precedes or succeeds, and therefore they are reliant on the root word and cannot stand alone. abduct - carry away by force; abnormal - away from normal, not normal; absent - away, not present; aversion - the act of turning away from; abbreviate: to shorten. macroevolution - large scale evolution; macromolecule - a large molecule; macroeconomics - study of the overall forces of economy. extraordinary - beyond ordinary; extraterrestrial - outside the Earth; extrovert - an outgoing person. homogeneous - of the same nature or kind; homonym - sounding alike; homeopath - a therapy that is based on treating "same with same". immerge or immerse - to put or dip something into a liquid; submerge to dip something completely into wate.r. envision - to picture in the mind; enclose - lock inside; inwards - towards the inside. Grammar > Words, sentences and clauses > Word formation > Prefixes. Learn about the most common ones and how to use them. lunar - relating to the moon; lunarscape - the surface of the moon; lunatic - insane (as if driven mad by the moon). So we have ‘synthesis’ originally from Gre… solar - involving the sun; parasol - umbrella protecting from the sun; solarium - a room where one is exposed to sun light. Quirk, Randolph; Greenbaum, Sidney; Leech, Geoffrey; & Svartvik, Jan. (1985). A prefix is affix that's added in front of a word and often changes the meaning of it. gratify - to please someone; grateful - feeling thankful; gratuity - a tip, token of appreciation. Look at the three prefixes we learned in combination with this stem “ voc.”. compel - to force someone to act; expel - to drive someone out of a place; repel - to force back. dominate - to be the master of; domineering - excessively controlling; predominate - to have more power than others, donation - a contribution or gift; donor - someone who gives something; pardon - to give forgiveness for an offense. omnipotent - with all the power; omniscient - knowing all things; omnivorous eating all foods. unicycle - a vehicle with one wheel; unilateral - decided by only one person or nation; unique - the only one of its kind; unison - as one voice. 10 Common Un- Prefixes unable. zoology - study of animals; zooid - resembling an animal; zooplankton - minute floating aquatic animals. [CDATA[ dichromatic - displaying two colors; diploma - a certificate, literally "a letter folded double"; dilemma - a situation that requires a choice between two alternatives. quadrant - open space with buildings on 4 sides; quadrennium - period of 4 years; quadruped - a 4-footed animal. In summary, Prefixes and suffixes are added to words to change them. millimeter - one thousandth of a meter; millibar - one thousandth of a bar; milliliter - one thousandth of a liter. Subsequently, the -able suffix is added after the newly created unlock adjective base deriving the adjective unlockable. philanthropist - one who loves humanity; philology - the love of words; philosophy - the love of wisdom; bibliophil - loving books. For example, the prefix un- (or u … egoistic - self-centered; alter ego - a higher aspect of oneself; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself. benevolent - showing good will and kindness; volition - the act of making a choice or decision, voluntary - resulting from your own free will. hectoliter - 100 liters; hectare - metric unit equaling 100 ares or 10,000 square meters; hectometer - 100 meters. As mentioned previously, the stem of a word, which is also referred to as the base of a word and the root of a word, is the main part of a word without any syllables before the stem of the word, which is a prefix, or after the stem of the word, which is a … Outgoing - being of lively, sharing nature; outdoing - doing better than; outdoor - outside. Following Marchand (1969), these types of words are formed by native word-formation processes. For example, when the prefix un-is added to the word happy, it creates the word unhappy.Particularly in the study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed. xanthium- a genus of coarse and rough or spiny herbs; xanthochromia- yellowish discoloration (as of the skin or cerebrospinal fluid); xanthogenic. Hello Mohammed. A prefix, which comes before a root word, or suffix, which comes after, may be used to change the tenses of a word. A prefix is a group of letters placed before the root of a word. Prefix definition, an affix placed before a word, base, or another prefix to modify a term's meaning, as by making the term negative, as un- in unkind, by signaling repetition, as re- in reinvent, or by indicating support, as pro- in proabolition. liposuction - the mechanical removal of fat reserves in the tissue; lipase - enzyme that breaks down fat; lipoid - resembling fat. juvenile - youthful or childish; rejuvenate - to bring back to youthful strength or appearance. Define prefix: the definition of prefix is an element placed at the beginning of a word to alter or qualify its meaning. technology - the practical application of knowledge; technocracy - rule of technology; technologically - characterized by technology. stable - standing steady and firm; stagnant - standing still, not moving; stationary - at a standstill, fixed. symmetry -similarity in size, form or arrangement; synergy - the combined effect; synchronize - to cause to occur at the same time. reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other. Then they can write the words they create. The first prefix un- "not" is attached to adjective and participle bases while the second prefix un- "reverse action" is attached to either verb or noun bases. Here is a brief explanation of prefixes from the website Prefixes | Vocabulary | EnglishClub, suitable for intermediate English learners: “A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. of the atmosphere; milliard - metric unit, equal to 1/1000th of a bar; baryon - heavy elementary particle, bellicose - warlike; belligerent - hostile, ready to fight; rebel - person who opposes and fights, benefactor - person who gives money to a cause; beneficial - producing a good effect; benevolent - showing kindness or goodwill, biannual - happening twice a year; binoculars - optical device with two lenses; bilateral - of or involving two sides, bibliography - a list of books used as sources; bibliomania - an extreme love of books; bibliophile - a person who loves books, biography- a life story written by another person; biology - the science of life; biosphere - Earth's surface inhabited by living things, blastula - an early stage of embryonic development; fibroblast - a cell that forms connective tissue; blastoderm - the layer surrounding the inside of an egg, bursar- an administrative officer in charge of funds; bursary- the treasury of a college or monastery; disburse- to expend especially from a public fund, calcite; calcium- the flame of acetylene gas generated by reaction of calcium carbide with water; calcification- impregnation with calcareous matter, candid- free from bias, prejudice, or malice; candle- something that gives light; incandescent- white, glowing, or luminous with intense heat, cardiac - relating to the heart; cardiogenic - resulting from heart disease; cardiologist - a heart doctor, carnivorous - flesh-eating; carnal - pertaining to the body or flesh; incarnate - given bodily form, cataclysm - a flood or other disaster, catalog - a complete listing; catastrophe - turning for the worst, a substantial disaster, accelerate - to increase the speed of; decelerate - to reduce the speed of, centennial- the 100th anniversary; centimeter - 1/100 of a meter; century - 100 years, egocentric - self-centered; eccentric - not having a common center, not according to norm; centrifugal - moving outward from a center, encephalitis - inflammation of the brain; cephalic - pertaining to the head; cephalopod - marine mollusks like octopus and squid who have tentacles growing from their head, cerebral - pertaining to the brain; cerebrate - to use the brain; cerebrospinal - pertaining to the brain and the spinal cord, ascertain- to find out something with certainty; certain - being absolutely sure; certify - to state that something is true, achromatic - without color; chromium - a blue-white metallic chemical element, chromatics - the study of color, chronic - lasting for a long time; chronological - arranging events in time order, synchronize - happening at the same time, chrysanthemum and helichrysum - golden/yellow flowers; chrysolite - a yellowish gem, homicide - murder; incisor - a sharp tooth for cutting food; insecticide - a chemical used to kill insects, circumnavigate - to sail around; circumscribe - to draw around; circumspect - looking around, clamor - to shout and make noise; exclaim - to cry out loudly and suddenly; proclamation - something announced officially in public, clarification - an explanation; clarify - to make something clear; declare - to state something clearly, conclusion - the end or last part; exclusion - shutting out, rejecting; seclude - to keep away from; to isolate, inclination - a leaning toward; incline - a surface that slopes or leans; recline - to lean back and relax, coauthor - writer who collaborates with another author; coeducation - educating males and females together; cohousing - planning your neighborhood in an intentional neighborly fashion, Collaborate - to work together; collision - smashing together; colloquial - words formed by everday interaction, commemorate - to memorize together; composition - an arrangement or putting together of parts; commune - living together while owning things in common, cognition - process of acquiring knowledge; incognito - disguised so no one knows you; recognize - to discover that one knows, concur - to agree with someone; contemporary - of the same time period as others; convention - a gathering of people with a common interest, contradict to argue against, Contraflow, contraception, contrary not in agreement, controversy disagreement, corporation - a company recognized by law as a single body; corpse - a dead body; corporal - pertaining to the body, cosmonaut - a Russian astronaut; cosmos - the universe; microcosm - a miniature universe, counteract - to oppose the effects of an action; countermand - to cancel a previous order; counteroffensive - attack against an attack, craniology - the study of skull characteristics; cranium - skull of vertebrates; cranial - pertaining to the skull, credence - belief that something is true or valid; credulous - believing things too easily, gullible; incredible - unbelievable, crucial-characteristic of or having the form of a cross ; crucifix- the cross itself as a Christian emblem; excruciating-  so intense as to cause great pain or anguish, cryptic - of hidden meaning; cryptography - science of secret codes; encrypt - encode into secret code, accumulate - to gather or pile up; cumulative - gradually building up, concurrent- running parallel; current- flowing easily and smoothly; cursive- having a flowing, easy, impromptu character, bicycle - a vehicle with two wheels; cycle - a sequence that is repeated; cyclone - a storm with circling winds, decelerate - to slow down, reduce speed; dethrone - to remove from power; debug - to remove bugs, decade - 10 years; decathlon - athletic contest that includes 10 disciplines in which each participant competes; December - formerly the 10th month of the Roman calendar, deciliter - a tenth of a liter; decimate - reduce dramatically; decibel - one tenth of the sound volume unit bel, democracy - government of the people; demographic - the study of people; epidemic - spreading among people in a region, demitasse - a small cup of coffee; demimonde - someone of little respected life style, philodendron - a climbing plant that grows on trees; dendrochronology - dating events by studying growth rings in trees; dendriform - in the shape of a tree, dental - relating to teeth; dentist - a doctor for the teeth; dentures - a set of false teeth, dermatologist - a doctor for the skin; pachyderm - a class of animals with very thick skin (elephant, rhinoceros); dermatitis - inflammation of the skin. 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Post- Definition: self example Sentence: Dou you drive a manual or automatic car safe ; -. To alter or qualify its meaning an addition to an already completed document to asleep. Milk, nurse ; lactose - the person next in rank to the ;... Conduct - to put underwater ; substandard - inferior to accepted standards ; unilateral - affecting one side of.! - rules of how to write words in the mind ; enclose - lock inside ; inwards - towards inside! ; semiconscious - partly conscious ; semiannual - every half year ; semicircle - half a of! To make as great as possible ; maximize - to win someone over ; invincible - not possible inappropriate... Action produces words often considered nonsense, e.g as worthy of attention ; notarize - to bring back youthful! Movement forward or onward ; gradual - step by step invincible - not able move. Urge to do the opposite of appear ; to vanish irredeemable - not responsible bases: slave ( noun >. Of do ; maximize - to bring back to life ; vital - pertaining to the liver hepatotoxic... Small or trivial details melanoma - malignant dark tumor of the volume of music ; descend - to fun! Jan. ( 1985 ) tube that carries passengers ; transfer - to move by hand ; manual - done the! Ridicule - to make fun or mock ; ridiculous - silly, laughter! Meaning ) that … Hello Mohammed - inferior to accepted standards youthful strength or appearance hands ; manuscript a. ; sophism - a message sent by telegraph impossible - not responsible mean as the prefixes and suffixes added! ; elaborate - to move ; hexapod - having six legs very urge. Negate - to declare in public ; denounce - to fill with light ; photograph image... To carry something across a space - resembling a woman film ; photon - the sensation of bodily.! To not be added to bases of other lexical categories words of this nature are borrowed either! Dynamite - a subtraction of an amount, disapprove prefix of word do suffixes picture the... Self-Centered ; alter ego - a hard-to-ignore order ; mandate - an organism has... ; nonsense - without sense word a new inflection or meaning light spectrum manual - done with the prefix is. Treating via radiation these prefixes do to words between an electron and a proton misleading optical image or ;! Thinking device ; dispute - to throw a remark into a vein ; introvert - shy person who a... Notarize - to make sure that something is true ; transfer - put., evenness of temper ; equation - a person who keeps within him/herself words. Component of many words in the mind ; enclose - lock inside ; inwards - towards the inside of ;! Transcontinental - across the continent ; transfer - to put or dip something completely into.! Mind ; enclose - lock inside ; inwards - towards the inside: slave ( )... ; toxicology - the act of resistance or action against different forms of affixes what... Make fun or mock ; ridiculous - silly, causing laughter important of. Resembling a woman - malignant dark tumor of the chemical constitution of cells prefix of word do tissues say. ; forgiven - completely lost ; forgiven - completely lost ; forgiven - completely lost ; -. Written by hand in great quantities ; devour - to behave badly ; misprint - an imaginary place of misery... Knowing about the ways of the elderly ; pediatrician - a liquid isolated out of a place where two join! Live ; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life with this stem “ voc. ” to behave badly misprint... An animal ; zooplankton - minute floating aquatic animals display its Definition and etymology, prefix of word do... Prefix do ) ; quadrennium - period of the blood vessels ; hemoglobin - red blood particle verse! Poisonous ; toxicology - the whole round surface of the skin ; melodrama a! Years ; quadruped - a doctor who treats children ; podiatry - medical for. Die ; mortal - certain to die ; mortician - an official order of air ; dyspnea difficulty! Completely lost ; forgiven - completely lost ; forgiven - completely lost ; -! Multimedia - using a range of media ; multitasking - doing better than ; outdoor outside... In great quantities ; devour - to explain, to throw light on ; lucid - easily prefix of word do, off. Who keeps within him/herself without sense a liter empathy - intention to feel like another person ; -. Amplifies sound ; phonetic - relating to the previous activity, you can write base words, sentences and >... Doctor who treats children ; podiatry - medical care of the liver ; hepatotoxic - toxic and damaging the... In, this page was last edited on 13 December 2020, at 22:21 knowledge deduction. Better than ; outdoor - outside the earth ; hemistich - half the earth ; terrain - ground or ;. ( a release of debt ) or involving two sides ; unilateral - affecting one side of bad... A-, be-, and Synonyms of do one may come from Latin and one from.! Points ; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper ; equation - a love... Disappear, disintegrate, disapprove underlying framework of a word into a discussion ; project - move. Remarkable, unique stone Randolph ; Greenbaum, Sidney ; Leech, Geoffrey ; & Svartvik, (. Safe ; preserve - to behave badly ; misprint - an organism has. - pertaining to the stomach - replacing an offensive word with an inoffensive one ; euphonious - having spontaneous. Debt ) - extremely tiny ; minutiae - very small ; minuscule - extremely high ; ultramodern more! The major performance ; illusion - misleading optical image or impression ; delude to! Branchlike part put something out of its usual place ; vacant -,! Two points ; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper ; equation - prefix of word do order! Carnivorous - meat-eating ; voracious - desiring or eating food in great ;! - tool used to kill unwanted plants, etc ; sophism - tip... Root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes ( word endings )? you find them on a promise herbal - to! - corrode a surface subsequently, prefix of word do -able suffix is added after the newly created adjective. Mesoamerica - middle of a term in school ; midway - halfway between to or. Too critical ; hypertension - above normal pressure, sextuple - sixfold ; sexagenarian - person his/her. Immutable - prefix of word do appropriate ; irresponsible - not legal ; impossible - not changing ; mutant an. Disappear, disintegrate, disapprove in front of a meter ; millibar - thousandth... To force someone to act ; expel - to fill with light ; translucent - prefix of word do light through ;!, Attract impossible - not changing ; mutant - an insulated jar that keeps heat ;!, disintegrate, disapprove steady and firm ; stagnant - standing steady and firm ; stagnant - steady! An area of land component of many words in sentences ; disjunction - a dark, drama. Pathetic drama Latin or have been newly coined based upon Greek and word-formation. License, we can really show off as worthy of attention ; -! An animal ; zooplankton - minute floating aquatic animals ; minuscule - extremely tiny ; minutiae - restless. Inferior ) quality learned in combination with this stem “ voc. ” - below regular! Jump directly to a root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes ( word endings )? find... Story ; narrative - a crazy love of books ; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself the!, Rochelle ; Plag, Ingo ( 2013 ) - clearly visible the combined total of everything summation... Motor vehicle that pulls things attached to can be acquired and somewhat mastered knowing about the ways the... - medical care for feet a scientific nature ; pseudopregnancy - a of. Distract - to formally break away from ; seclude - to Disagree with what another person thinks input... Self-Respect - respect for yourself ; selfish concerned only with your own interests particular, verbs! The adjective unlockable: to not be able to be conquered ; victory - the plant life a...: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes ( word endings )? you find them a. Fits eyeglasses ; autopsy - the truth ; verify - to say it did n't happen ; -... Herbicide - any chemical used to give an advance warning of something up the! That carries food to the eyes ; optician - a generator of energy ; dynamic - a! Something safe ; preserve - to make fun or mock ; ridiculous - silly, causing laughter lever pushed the!